I Don’t Want Your Millions, Mister

An 80-year update for those of us still Greatly Recessed.

(thanks to Jim Garland for the original from the ’30s)

I don’t want your millions, Mister
Though it’s your fault that I am broke
All I want is a home and pension
Lost it all to the brothers Koch

Now I propose we jail the banksters
Don’t think Jay Z or me or you
Ever rhymed them up with wanksters
Well now it’s done, can’t hit undo

I believe that the aggrieved
Should be relieved of their indebtitude
And why not? Those lousy lenders
Against America did collude

No, I don’t want your Lamborghini
I don’t want your private jet
All I want’s a Prius maybe
Oh yes and please my old job back

I don’t want your millions, Mister
Though that would help to pay my rent
All I want is health, jobs, and schooling
And long jail terms for the one percent