Do It Now

The urgency of climate activism to save the planet from the profiteers demands, among other things, a singalong from Servas, the peace travelers association, holding a national meeting in Claryville NY.

The 12 Days of PT Trumpum

Some Trump-boosters I’ve spoken with said they liked his policies—an end run around his essential nature—so I looked them up. Afraid I still have lots of character assassination here, even though it pretty well assassinates itself without help. But I did undertake to do a semi-scholarly dissection of his policy corpus. Sorry it took so long, and is so long. I hope we can soon say, So Long.
Then of course there are his boosters, who we have failed to anticipate, organize, mollify, or isolate. Apologies to the next generations.

On the first day of our saga a big city elite tycoon businessman
Didn’t pay his workers, skirted regulation….claimed he was a builder,
mostly sold his name
And don’t we all wish
that instead of working,
we could do that and be just like him.
Started with a million
given to him by a crusty old cad.
His dad.

In the second chapter of narco/gnarly/narcissism he bought himself a gift:
a patriarchal pageant
And molested the contestants for fun

In the third phase of this travesty he played himself on TV
a bully firing losers, it’s all good clean fun
Oh my god it made me want to watch Friends.

On the fourth day of this evolving twisted plot, our hero gave to me
A demand to Fry
the Central Park 5
(later exonerated – by the deep city. No one’s ever seen that level of corruption. So corrupt.)

On the fifth day of this evolving strategy, he insistently gave to us
Obama birtherism, dude was born in Kenya – no one’s always right, especially when you lie.

In the 71st or 119th or 169th year of US global dominance (Bretton Woods, Conquest of Puerto Rico, War to Seize Mexico, take your pick) he finally built a wall
They’re sending rapists – and I should know
Anyway they’ve gone a-
stray from all those shithole
countries that we ruined through imperialism
and besides there’s razors in the Rio Grand—-e

Vowing to ban Muslims/ from entering/ the United States/ making nasty fun of marginalized people/splitting up their families – does that help somebody? Besides himself?
Yes it makes a lot of people feel good to be bad. That wasn’t invented by him. Just perfected.

In the first years of his trade wars, other countries imposed tariffs,
which hurt American farmers, so he directed/billions in aid/ especially to the ones
who supported him,
how very strange,
and of course there are only about-five farmers in the country, unless you count the so-called organics/and Blacks

Beefing up the budget
of the Pentagon,
to compete with China
not much different than what Biden has done.

Banned Chinese drones
which is why they switched to weather balloons.

On a dark day for the EPA he abrogated caps
On toxic chemicals, even though they’re mostly in his hair.
Tapped a group of industry experts to find a middle ground
between science and the god-given right
to profit from killing your kids.

Let oil and gas leak
ever more methane, we don’t have to do
what Soros-backed Europe says.

Stalling on corona which was a hoax, just a little flu,
one million died
but they were all old and sick
and had no immunity, because vax rhymes with tax so it’s bad

Boosted faith-based schooling people want religion
in their children’s schools
Except for the founders and well, the majority
Who have all been found to hate God

$1.5 trillion tax cut, mainly on the wealthy, which boosted the economy
for a week or two and also boosted deficits/which they blamed on Biden in advance.

Cut ¾ million from the SNAP program,
freeing billions to subsidize coal.
not food.
Most recipients are white, that’s sorta true,
but DNA will show they have Negro blood. One drop.

In the 40th year of climate silence, I mean, science, I mean silence,
he quietly quashed research
Fostering a culture
of bad agriculture,
denial of the power
of wind and solar, What can wind and sun do?
We can fix the global
hoax with beautiful clean coal

In the 102nd year of car exhaust (look it up), he slashed efficiency
If you don’t like it, move to Planet B

In the 50th century of patriarchy, federal contractors were relieved
Of the need to tell
of sex harassment hell they put employees through, If you
want a Safe Workplace try Greenland. Or buy it.

On the road to popularity he put America first
Specially if you’re white
Hiding tax returns/Inventing voter fraud
Overtime pay is overrated, let’s cut out the fluff
Somebody tell me are we great again yet?

One little, way too little five or six indictments
Convince his followers he’s Mr. Excitement
Pretends to be religious, holds the bible upside down
He’s a messenger from god

In the fifth indictment in a series (collect all nine!), persecuted from on high/or deep
for sex harassment/or rape (don’t believe it?/ Ask Bergdorf or Goodman/
indicted for stealing/government documents
indicted for trying/ to overthrow/ the government/
which I would do/ but not for racist reasons…indicted for searching for 11,780 votes
Of course, to be fair, the Dem’s are pizza pedophiles
Which we know can be cured with hydroxychloroquine

For the umpteenth time in memorry some libtard said to me
He’s a narcissist, a liar and a cheat/ a master manipulator who duped you/ into believing/ that he is your savior;
golden-haired billionaire
Who lived on Fifth Avenue and
now a mansion in a Lago
and who really cares about the people? Really?

Race-baiting bully / tax-cheating swindler /worker-shafting /dictator-loving/
pathologically lying
raping serial con artist /who can’t read an intelligence briefing but can steal it and hide it in the bathroom

Climate change is natural
And it’s caused by Mexican windmills
Hanging Mike Pence is an act of love
And it’s all a witch-hunt by losers
And anyway they’re not my type
But when you’re a star they let you do it
Even if you’re just an angry little boy

Let’s Democratize Elections

From the July ’23 concert at Café Paloma, Seattle, this one an enumeration of all the ways democracy is a nice idea but doesn’t exist in these here benighted states.

Our democracy is permanently mired in distress
We are sick and tired of being sick and tired of this mess
Two party oligopoly that blocks out all the rest
Let’s end this system now

Let’s democratize elections
We need voting right protections
Stop Suppression hate and greed
Choose rank choice voting, yes indeed
We demand democracy

We have fought to get the vote for blacks and women and ex-cons
They have tried to block us out, those white supremist devil’s spawns
They will fight to their last breath of their demographic death
But the people now are woke

It is past time to acknowledge
We’re so over the electoral college
Supreme Court overhaul
And shut the Senate down y’all
We demand democracy

We will fight for rights of immigrants, for sure most of us are
To the killing of black youth by cops we must say au revoir
And a woman’s right to choose is not a thing you can refuse
We will go marching on
Solidarity forever
Forward ever, backward never
It’s the people who decide
It is time to turn the tide
We demand democracy

I Wonder Who’s Kissinger Now

From the July ’23 concert at Café Paloma, Seattle—this one a revival of an old tune dedicated to eventual reckoning for the arch-criminal of my youth.

You encouraged those massacres in East Timor,
Not as famous as Vietnam, true
You have wreaked your affliction on each one in turn,
and have sworn each one you didn’t do;
You were our Svengali, a master by golly
The extent of your crimes no one knew.
does it ever occur to you later my boy,
that you could be tried, even you?

I wonder who’s Kissinger now
How’s the old coup-binger now
wonder who’s looking out from his eyes,
breathing sighs, telling lies.
I won-der who’s home in his head
Is there remorse for the dead
wonder if he still thinks he’ll go free
I wonder who’s Kissinger now

If you want to feel justice, be given your due,
just imagine yourself sharply dressed
In the docket of some War Crimes Tribunal hearing
from the people you cruelly suppressed;
Oh the time slips away and your crimes in Chile
flit away with a sword and a tear.
So though you can tell where is Kissinger now,
You might be in jail this time next year.

I Don’t Fight for Aggressors

From the July ’23 concert at Café Paloma, Seattle, this one a reworking of my old anti-imperialist chestnut to include more imperialisms.

I didn’t crown the Shah of Iran
Nor the Mullahs who took to the throne
Now the women step out of the shadows
Just look how their courage has grown

Revolutions triumphant in China,
Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, Iran
But they quickly succumb to suppression
Freedom, democracy, gone

And I don’t fight for usurpers
Who replace all hope with fear
Who wipe away all opposition
With artful deception and smear
And I don’t keep my silence
When power corrupts, as it will
Cause I don’t bow down to despoilers
I stand up, the dream to fulfill

And I don’t fight for aggressors
Even when they’re not USA
They try to tell me they’re being surrounded
Tell that to their neighbors I say
We fight for freedoms at home
Why not the same in every land
Cause I don’t defend dictators
Freedom’s a global demand

My allegiance belongs to the people
I am faithful but not to the crown
When Presidents turn to tyranny
It’s time for them to be brought down

A People’s History of White Supremacy

From 2020, a disquisition on the obvious, in light of Black Lives Matter’s contribution to our rejection of a hopeless, hapless, shall we say vile system of caste/class/racial oppression.

Good evening friends and blessin’s
We’re continuing our lessons
Is our hist’ry such a myst’ry
No this won’t be on the quiz, see

If you give some folks a better shake
Than the other ones
The taller or the shorter
They will take the road to ruin
They may know not what they’re doin
It will be a circle jerk, it won’t work
a cul de sac, no goin’ back

Power corrupts, it interrupts
Equal rights it disrupts
Then after a while you get your empires, gunnin’
For the profits that are runnin’
Grabbin’ land and killin’ humans
Only if you can’t enslave ‘em
Taking what they say god gave em
And these pirates who so violate
Cloak themselves in church and state

Flash forward to the days
When emerging from the haze
Of world war the newest nation
Became the leader of the pack
And attacked anyone who would
Dare to block their track

Come the 60s this great nation
Was taken to a war against its poor
Darker people both at home and cross the sea
But the youth exclaimed no more
Show old school right out the door
For minute we were winning
But we were only beginning

Powers that were girded their forces
Pledged and plotted to retain resources
Re-asserting their dominion
Over public opinion opinion opinion

America was conquered and destroyed
Grabbing treasure for their pleasure
It was looted, loot rerouted
And then the people must rebel
Raising up the decibel
Without which we’ll ne’er do well
Democracy with inequality can never last

Then began an anti-freedom ride
The Attorney General said
“This country’s going so far to the right….
You won’t recognize it.”
But still they will disguise it
With dog whistles and epistles
To the sanctity of whiteness
There will be no white contriteness

Everything after was a slide
All our progress nullified
Putting people back in boxes
Chickens caged, guarded by foxes
Military thugs in blue
Yes they do know what they do
Orange menace riles up racists
Who fear browns will take their places
Orange man would like another Orangeburg—-

And then there was an interregnum
Freedom fighters pause and keep mum
Black man in a white house
In like lion, out like meek mouse
Even so infuriating
Those used to dominating
Some small status they’d enjoyed
Declaring others null and void

The only way to really quit
Is to openly admit
The hurt and rage of those
Who cannot turn the page and close the book
On this regime of greed and lying
Of theft and occupying
Which parades itself as greatness
If we’re willing we can break with our own past
Because democracy with inequality can never last

Imagine a world like white suburbanites
Already have
No daily terror from the wearer of the
Badge and gun
What fun—-

America was conquered and destroyed
Grabbing treasure for their pleasure
It was looted, loot rerouted
And then the people must rebel
Raising up the decibel
Without which we’ll ne’er do well
Democracy with inequality can never last

So they kill and kill but yet and still
There will be a limit
When people rise agin’ it
And people say to profit
That’s enough, come on, come off it
And then perhaps we’ll see
Whether folks like you and me
Can learn to see through boys in blue
And know exactly what to do

We don’t want to burn it down
But if these clowns won’t come around
They better know it’s gonna blow
And it won’t be so pretty
In the city of murder and despair
Yes they’re restoring order
and the order of the day
Is of course not what they say

There’s talk of cop brutality
Of racialized mentality
Police recruited to defend a brutal order
We can see it’s futile there’s no border
Twixt the brute and the suit who decides
And derides the downtrodden
So broaden your view, see that

you may not be the one with the gun
But you may have freedom and a nest egg
While others sit on a powder keg
This ain’t new as I think you knew
It don’t date from yesteryear I fear
Look at the wide screen
It dates from 1619

America was conquered and destroyed
Grabbing treasure for their pleasure
It was looted, loot rerouted
And then the people must rebel
Raising up the decibel
Without which we’ll ne’er do well
Democracy with inequality can never last

Extinction Rebellion exposes Citigroup

Chase Bank and their ilk are busy funding fossil fools. Enough/genug!
I added a song.

All Along With Wind Power
(All Along the Watchtower)
There must be some way out of here
Said the broker to the thief (same guy)
My profit comes from climate change
Destruction of barrier reefs
Droughts and floods and fires
Our greed destroys the earth
None of us who ruin it
Know what any of it is worth

No reason to get excited
The skeptic slyly spoke
It’s just a hoax from socialists
Or maybe some kind of joke
But you and I must shout it out
Or this will be our fate
So let us not talk falsely now
The hour is getting late

All along renewable power
Has been clearly in view
While all the oilmen plundered us
Coal and nuclear too
Outside all the people
Marched for sanity
Moment of truth approaching
To save humanity

Friend of the Fetus

Carole Rose Livingston (d. 2003) wrote this. Lots of people have performed and recorded it. Few men, though, and she was happy to hear it voiced by that alleged gender. Now she’s rolling over in her grave at the current wave of regression and suppression.

I am no friend to the fathers and mothers
And I am no friend to the sisters and brothers
And I am no friend to the weak and distressed
And I am no friend to the poor and oppressed, but
I’m a friend of the fetus
A friend of incomparable worth
I’m a friend of the fetus
Right up to the moment of birth
Once it’s a baby I will not go near it
I will not feed it and I will not rear it
And when it is crying I won’t even hear it
For I have no room in my heart for a human, but
I will not care for it, I won’t be there for it
I will not weep for it, I won’t lose sleep for it
I’ll back away from it, I won’t go gray from it
I will not pray for it, and I won’t pay for it, but