When the 99% Go Marchin’ In Part 2

The other 8-1/2 top issues from Bernie’s platform find their way into the rhyme zone for reconsideration/reaffirmation (see also part 1, duh).

When we stand up
When we bust out
When the 99% shout it out
Well I want to be in that number
When equal rights for all is what it’s all about

When we stand up for equality
Against extreme wealth disparity
Well I want to be in that number
When we stand up for equality

When we defend clean air and soil
We’ll use the wind and sun, not dirty oil
Well I want to be in that number
When we defend clean air and soil

And when we stop the war on drugs
We’ll heal the sick, jail Wall Street thugs
Well I want to be in that number
When we stop the war on drugs

We must not be the world’s police
And if we really cherish peace
Don’t invade, don’t occupy
Never steal and never lie
We’ve got to live on this planet in peace

When we stand up to dirty tricks
Get money out of politics
Well I want to be in that number
When we stand up to dirty tricks

When we rebuild our safety nets
For seniors, single moms, and vets
Well I want to be in that number
When we rebuild our safety nets

No question where the money went
It’s time to tax the one percent
Well I want to be in that number
When we tax the one percent

Yes we are here, like Paul Revere
To tell you what’s around the bend
Well I want to be in that number
When social justice is the trend

When we stand up
And when we shout
Society must be re-designed
Well I want to be in that number
A revolution by and for the 99