Health care

certainly needs an overhaul – and we’re going to make sure it gets one: a partial, moderate, eventual overhaul, with many different payers. After all, we already have a single payer – you. About government’s role in health care, I’m of two minds, which may be why I speak with a forked tongue. On the one hand, government-run health care would insure everybody at a low cost. On the other, the health insurance denial industry gave me $4 million. So, it’s too bad we had to destroy health care reform in order to save it, but so it goes. As long as I’m in charge.

There’s a reason we don’t go to “Medicare for All”: we don’t want to re-invent one sixth of the economy. That would be like bailing out banks or something. Besides, we have traditions in this country. We have a tradition of employer-based indentured servitude to health care denial corporations. Throwing it out would be like throwing out fascism or female genital mutilation just because you’re dissatisfied. So no, we’re not going to nationalize health care, just nationalize citizens’ responsibility to buy health care from big health care denial companies. I want government out of my life – I don’t mean Social Security, the police, medicare, the military. I’m talking about government meddling. You know, “social services” for people who can’t even bother to be me.